For Sale
Reference: 13346
Land off Deeping Road, Peakirk, Cambridgeshire Approximately 5.53 acres (2.23 hectares) Available as a whole
The land is situated to the north of Peakirk, which lies approximately 7 miles to the north of Peterborough and 3.5 miles south of Market Deeping. The land has road frontage to Deeping Road and is accessed via a gateway off Mile Drove.
The land is available for sale as a whole and extends to approximately 5.53 acres (2.23 hectares). The land forms an attractive parcel of level paddock land and is shown with approximate boundaries edged red on the plan contained in these Particulars.
The land is in Permanent Pasture and is well fenced with post and rail fencing and sheep netting to all sides. Alongside the fencing there are both mature and recently planted hedgerows. Within the hedgerows there are a number of mature native trees. In the south-eastern corner of the paddock is a small pond which has been separately fenced from the main parcel, and a wooden gate gives access to the pond.
The land is classified as Grade 3 according to the Land Classification of England and Wales. The soil is of the Fladbury 1 Series and is described as a Stoneless clayey soil, in places calcareous.
The land is offered For Sale by Private Treaty with vacant possession.
The land has not been registered for the Basic Payment Scheme and is not subject to any Environmental Schemes so far as the vendor is aware.
An overhead electricity cable crosses the land. The property is sold subject to and with the benefit of all existing easements, wayleaves, covenants and rights of way, whether public or private, light, sport, drainage, water, electricity supplies and any other rights, obligations, easements and quasi easements, whether specifically mentioned or not.
To the best of our knowledge the land does not benefit from any services and purchasers should make their own enquiries about service connections if required.
It is our understanding that the Mineral Rights are owned by a third party. It is also our understanding that the Sporting and Timber Rights are included within the sale so far as they are owned.
The property is located in the administrative boundaries of Peterborough City Council.
The nearest postcode for the property is PE6 7NP and the property can be found more precisely using the what3words mapping system reference ///outraged.struck.mirroring
The Purchaser(s) will be deemed to have inspected the property and satisfied themselves as to the ownership of any boundary, hedge, tree or ditch.
The land may be viewed during daylight hours on foot only, with a set of these Particulars in hand.
We ask you to be as vigilant as possible when making your inspection, for your own personal safety. It is asked that you observe any specific signage on the property.
Should the sale of the land or rights attached to the sale become a chargeable supply for the purpose of VAT, such tax will be paid by the purchaser in addition to the purchase price. It is not anticipated that there will be any VAT upon the sale of
the land.
These have been prepared as carefully as possible and based on the Ordnance Survey Plan (copyright reserved 100022432) and are for identification purposes only. The Purchaser will be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the description of the land and any error or mistake shall not annul the sale, nor entitle either party to compensation in respect thereof.
All measurements are approximate. While we endeavour to make our sales particulars accurate and reliable, if there is a point which is of particular importance please do contact Bletsoes who will be pleased to check the information for you, particularly if you are contemplating travelling some distance to view the property. Particulars prepared July 2023 and updated May 2024 photographs taken May 2024.
Henry H Bletsoe & Son LLP and for the vendors of this property whose Selling Agent they are, give notice that: (i) all statements contained in these particulars as to the property are made without responsibility on the part of the agents or the vendors for any error, mis-statement or omission whatsoever. (ii) none of the statements contained in these
particulars are to be relied on as a statement or representation of fact or as any part of the contractual description of the property. (iii) any intending purchaser must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. (iv) the vendors do not make or give, and neither agents nor any person in their employment have any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. Finally: The property being open to inspection, purchaser(s) shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the state and condition thereof as to the ownership of any tree, boundary or any part of the property. Should any dispute arise between the vendor and the purchaser(s) upon any point not involving a question of law arising out of these particulars, stipulations or plans as to the interpretation be referred to the arbitration of the Selling Agents whose decisions shall be final and binding on all parties to the dispute and in every such arbitration the Selling Agents shall decide how the costs of such reference shall be borne.
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