Thursday Prices

Thursday 16th May

Prime Lambs - SQQ 424.7p, All-In 411.4p


32.1 - 39kg to 443p or £169.00, Average 424.8p or £161.07

39.1 - 45.5kg to 442p or £190.00, Average 424.6p or £176.26

45.6 - 52kg to 428p or £199.00, Average 420.5p or £198.67


Prime Hoggs - SQQ 340.3p, All-In 312.1p


32.1 - 39kg to 400p or £152.00, Average 368.2p or £138.80

39.1 - 45.5kg to 384p or £171.00, Average 334.7p or £142.55

45.6 - 52kg to 387p or £190.00, Average 334p or £159.46

Over 52kg to 363p or £225.00, Average 330.9p or £188.41


Cull Ewes to £205.00










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