Call For Sites - North Northants

North Northants Council - Call for Sites Exercise

North Northamptonshire Council is developing a Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) to shape its development for the future. This will help the Council identify a supply of land which is suitable, available and achievable for future housing and economic development uses. To help identify the land, the Council has commenced a ‘Call for Sites’ exercise and this enables landowners to submit details of sites considered to have potential for future development and which may be considered for inclusion in the HELAA. The Council now welcomes submissions to the ‘Call for Sites’ and this process runs until Monday April 25th 2022.


The Planning & Development team at Bletsoes are happy to discuss any potential land within the confines of North Northants Council (which comprises the former district councils of East Northants, Kettering, Wellingborough and Corby) that you feel might be suitable for development and assist you with the ‘call for sites’ exercise. Parcels of land that are positioned in or on the edge of the built-up area of a town/village should be submitted. Land that is isolated and detached from settlement boundaries is less likely to be positively considered as part of this process.


We look forward to hearing from you and please do not hesitate to make contact, should you have any questions.


NNC Plan


Bletsoes Planning & Development Team

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